We have the largest selection of vaporizers in Chicago! Don’t order online and wait days, come get yours today!
Portable and desktop vaporizers offer discrete vaping in a variety of forms. For dry herbs as well as waxes and oils.
For Tobacco Use Only! Must be 18+ to enter.
Vaporizer Brands we carry:
Compatible with Dry Herbs
Pax by Ploom Vaporizer
Pax2 by Ploom Vaporizer
Pax2 Limited Edition Gold
Pax2 XO Weekend Edition
Firefly Vaporizer
Summit by Vapium
PUFFiT X Vaporizer
Arizer Solo Vaporizer
Magic Flight Launch Box
Palm 2.0 Vaporizer by VaporBlunt
Pinnacle Vaporizer by VaporBlunt
Pinnacle Pro Vaporizer by VaporBlunt
Iolite WISPR Vaporizer
Sonic Vaporizer
Vapir NO2 Vaporizer
Cannastick Dry Herb Vaporizer
G-Pro by Grenco Science
Snoop Dog Herbal G-Pro Vaporizer
Snoop Dog Micro G
Indica Vaporizer
Compatible with Oils and Waxes
Puffco Pro
G-Pen Vaporizer by Grenco Science
Original Micro G pen Vaporizer by Grenco Science
New Micro G pen Vaporizer
G Pen Essential Oil Vaporizer
G Pen Hookah Vaporizer
Cannastick Mini Wax Pen
Cloud Penz Vaporizer
Cloud V Platinum
Micro Vaped Glass Globe Vaporizer
Stag Vaporizer
Compatible with Herbs, Oil and Waxes
Mighty Vaporizer by Storz and Bickel the makers of Volcano
Crafty Vaporizer by Storz and Bickel the makers of Volcano
Prima Vaporizer by Vapir
Haze Dual Chamber Vaporizer
Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci
DaVinci Vaporizer
Arizer Aire
Tao Vaporizer
Atmos RX Vaporizer
Atmox R2
Atmos RX Jr. Vaporizer
Atmos Bullet 2 Go Vaporizer
Dube Vaporizer
VaporBlunt 2.0 Vaporizer
Forced-Air/ Balloon Bag/ Whip Style Vaporizers
Volcano Digital with Easy Valve by Storz and Bickel
Vapir Rise Vaporizer
Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
Herbal Aire
Easy Vape Vaporizer
Vaporite Vaporizer
EZV Digital Vaporizer
Vaporizer Accessories
Pinnacle Hydrotube
Pinnacle Pong Adapter and mouthpiece
Magic Flight Launchbox Glass Stem
Magic Flight Launchbox replacement batteries
AtmosRX Glass Screens
Arizer Glass replacement stems
G Pen Accessories: Micro G coils, herbal tanks, Hookah tanks, USB chargers etc.
Pax and Pax2 accessories:cleaning kits, screens, mouthpiece lubricants chargers etc.
Cloupor 2 in 1 attachment
4006 N. Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 327-6666
2626 N. Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 661-6238